

You and Me
Life had no meaning for you until someone came along and brought out colors into your life. Write a poem on it.

Only some days passed away,
We talked our heart content,
Still there is many things to say,
To fulfil all our wishes before we part away.

You protected me in my times,
You always gave many hearts and smiles,
You said all your worries to me,
Still I want you to stay, says the greedy me.

Let's not cry or regret,
I will be standing on the gate,
Will surely give a warm hug with love,
So you can forget life which was tough.

My dear, fear not,
You live in my heart,
No matter what the future wants,
In our memories we will always stay together even if we fell apart.

© findmysteryinme #poem #Love&love💞 #poems #broken #sad #story #Love&love