

I Too Deserve Love
You sat with me under the shade of the trees,
Reading out the words that made no sense,
Not once did you lose faith,
Or let me be,
The slow and steady learner,
The butt of all the jokes,
Duffer! Failure! And more.

Its was not my fault to be born this way,
I too wanted to live life like the rest of you,
I had dreams as well, but divine intervention caused,
Me to have to like like this,
I felt sadness, I felt sorry, I felt neglected,
I felt deep pain, anguish, insult,
Still I carried on,
I had too for my parents who have sacrificed their all.

Being born with a disability takes a great toll on all,
I never did suffer alone,
My mother walks every step with me,
My father picks me up each time I fall,
Blessed am I to still receive love,
Without which I would have given up,
I am a special child looked at others in a strange manner.

Though so lucky to have loving parents,
Who have accepted me for who I am,
Small appeal to all I make,
Learn to love people like us the same as yourself,
Who knows which of you, may see this day,
Troubles never always knock before coming our way,
Learn to love and respect all, for life can turn over a new leaf before we know.

© Maja Malhotra