

An Immortal Soul
Everyday,every moment is a celebration of Tagore's creation,
Like a strainer Tagore's songs filters all the miseries.
A man with so much depth and introspection about life was only once born;
Irrespective of his miseries in life,
His aim was to remove laments from others life.

To the man, who had always held his head high,
To the man, who am I to describe?
To the man, who showed the mirror to our emotions,
To the man, who was impalpable,
To the man, who is immortal,
To the man, who deeply entangled himself with nature and became one of them,
To the man, who accomplished soul and made entwined with the mind.
To the man, who evoked mixed bag of emotions.

Let his magic be imbibed in mankind's soul,
And may he live like this every day and night as a whole.

© Adrita Roy