

catalytic events.
If I had to pinpoint the catalytic event in my personal history that has since shaped me into this wickedly-strong woman

-The one that stands before you on this scorching Sunday in June-

I would tell you with next-to-no emotion how I became this masterpiece of a well-put-together - yet, slightly singed - puzzle

Only after the soul-destroying moment in time

I spent manipulated by a narcissist with blazing-green eyes.

I would confide in you how I became blind to those deceitful eyes

Deaf to the sweet lies that rolled from the twisted tongue that called my name

And shattered by hands that still hold me to blame

I know they crack jokes about a narcissist's misfortune

Cackling in bars in condescending undertones about the perceived cracks in my foundation

I know they find it such a shame I still walk the streets of this town unscathed

By the fire they attempted to light inside of me

In an attempt to rob me from my given name

That numbness that once filled my burnt throat
No longer threatens to choke me

Until I can no longer breathe

As I lay my weary head in this rain-drenched sea of grass, that once held all of my tears

And a rainbow peaks through the clouds to my left, absorbing every one of my fears

But if you're the type who would prefer a lighter antic

One that follows me now when I am awake
And dives deep inside my dreams

-As if I am a hopeful romantic-

I'd tell you all about the one
Who has cultivated this garden in my heart
Made for peace

Where this space that once lie dormant and wasted

Now extends grace and gratitude to a man
Who didn't have to

But he chose to love me anyway

That, my dear friend, though

Is a story for another day

© krystlereisler