

Two decades of dawns, a journey begun,
A life full of laughter, beneath the bright sun.
Twenty sweet years, a blossom life
The world lies before me , so much to consume.

The wisdom of youth, in my eyes it shines,
A beautiful portrait with life's finest lines.
The dreams that I cherish, the hopes that I hold,
Are ready to flourish, are eager and bold.

The road that i travel, the path that I tread,
With twenty years' courage, and visions ahead.
Embrace every moment, with joy and with grace,
For life is a dance, a beautiful chase.

So here’s to my future, to all that I’ll be,
A beautiful cheers to my self
Happy birthday, to me , may my heart always sing, May all my dreams comes true
At twenty, am ready to conquer everything.

Cheers to new age 😍
Cheers to beautiful journey of twenty

© Testimony