

When you hold me by my feet,
It's only a matter of time
I'll break free!
Loose dabbles into engrained locks,
Calculated hold ups, you got me!
Chances of no chance to reset
my melancholic echoes of cries for help
Yes he saw me, but it's only about time he walked away

Now I'm all chained up
Inside out, my brain and feet and hands and heart
My belly seems to toss every intake
Air so tight, my nostril screams
Weathered storms down my throat
It's a prison!

Break free oh man! From the mind that calls you devil
Life waits in milliseconds of your grab
What ifs and what nots, not a chance
Mini steps and tiny nudges, good luck
Let the bones of my rib cage shatter
I'm suffocating in my own heart

Shackles of invisible prisons
I can barely breath fresh air
Every door seems to add up,
Everytime I take the mini steps or do the tiny nudges
Darkness even in the darkest of cells

My mother always say,
Walk this hell like you own it
Scribbles of her words echo in these empty streets
Rods of who knows, here is it, thats not it, live like this, do this, do that, that's the standard, prove thyself, show your worth.....
Ughhh... Could the prison be any bigger?

But i'ma break free, even here and right now
Cos I've seen it,
all the showcases of endless sharades...so,
Hold the fenses and the rods
Climb up the staircase of the illusions
See the lights from you pointing
Reality is outside that cage
Open up, let it flow
It's your time!

© Noble Echep