

Journey of life
My life is an open book,
That led me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey,
The roads where bumpy,
kinda gave me an adventurous feeling,
Going ahead seemed tough,
So I look back thinking to reverse
but my jaw dropped open,
Realizing how far I came.
Went into flashback when that path was scary.
I cried, yelled, shivered, gave excuses
but ultimately managed to complete.
So I realized there's no reversing in any chapter of life.
I stepped my foot on the accelerator and zoomed ahead as fast as I could.
I thought I crashed shut my eyes tight
but I could hear a loud applaud.
They were all chearing my name
who threw those pebbles in my path.
I managed to finish this mountain,
hugged my loved ones and looked at the next one with hope.
© Shruti Alex