

Blind faith
In shadows cast by ancient stone,
Where whispers weave and secrets groan,
Blind faith, a lantern dimly bright,
Leads hearts into the murky night.

A leap across the chasms wide,
No proof in hand, no guide beside,
Yet steps are taken, firm and true,
With trust in what remains unseen.

The eyes are closed, the mind at rest,
Believing blindly, faith confessed,
In doctrines old and tales retold,
In mysteries that hearts uphold.

A solace found in unseen hands,
A path unknown, where soul withstands,
The tempests fierce, the doubts that claw,
In faith unseeing, faith is law.

But oh, the weight of trust misplaced,
When truth unveiled leaves faith disgraced,
The lantern dims, the shadows grow,
And hearts, once steadfast, now must know.

In blind faith's grasp, the peril lies,
Yet still it soars to starlit skies,
For hope unseen, a strength untold,
In darkness deep, a light to hold.
© Nidhi30