

I wish I had never met you that way I wouldn't have to see you walk away today.
I wish I would have been busy,
preoccupied minding mine
That way I wouldn't have had to invest so much precious time and emotions in something that wasn't meant to be.
I wish there was never and introduction,a shake of the hand,then a light embrace our faces so close  I I wondered "can she hear what I think"?
I wish there was never a mutual attraction then talks about drinks that lead from the bar to my place,
Your taste,these thoughts.
I wish you would just turn around ,drop your bags and run back into my waiting arms,tears streaming saying my name so that we could make things straight.
But there you are getting into your car a pause before you get in like your giving me one last chance to scream your name and beg you to come back to me but the words, a bird caged with no way to escape.
You get in, we lock eyes one more time through your review mirror.
Then you put the car in drive and drove away.
© Vaga Pesoj