

Falling asleep or waking up
In the gentle arms of slumber's embrace,
Where dreams unfurl and worries erase,
We drift away on a tranquil sea,
To a realm where imagination is set free.

As eyelids close and breath slows down,
We surrender to rest, a peaceful crown.
In the realm of sleep, we find release,
A respite from the chaos, a moment of peace.

Whispers of moonlight caress the night,
Guiding us through dreams, soft and light.
Visions dance, surreal and profound,
Unveiling mysteries in sleep's profound.

As darkness yields to the first light's kiss,
We awaken from dreams, in blissful bliss.
Bathed in the warmth of dawn's gentle glow,
We greet the world with renewed vigour, ready to grow.

The morning sky, a canvas of hope,
Paints a tapestry of possibilities to cope.
With every rising sun, a new beginning,
A chance to embrace life's journey, ever-spinning.

Eyes flutter open, as sunlight cascades,
Illuminating the path where destiny pervades.
The world awakens, with a symphony of sound,
Birds serenade, and life's pulse is found.

From dreams we arise, refreshed and anew,
With whispers of slumber's wisdom, we pursue,
The day that beckons with promises untold,
A tapestry of moments waiting to unfold.

So let us cherish both sleep and waking,
Embrace the magic they are for the taking.
For in the cycles of rest and rise,
We find the rhythm that makes us feel alive.
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