

Embedded around the periphery,
forming a circle,
Blooming and spreading smile together
Someday we shared happiness ,
I thought it will remain forever,
but circumstances prevailed,
disrupting and destroying,
we were falling ,
aging with flow of time,
sometimes confronting sunshine,
sometimes rainfall,
sometimes drought and sometimes all,
We still stood together bright like light
but now just see,
What has happened ?
each day we fell until we lost our glory,
Darkness prevailed waiting for light,
sowed it's seeds ,
some with care and some here and there,
some received favourable conditions,
bloomed with pride scattering happiness and joy,
some withered before time.

Sowing seed is not enough you must care and watch ,
Wait with patience ,
You will see fruits bearing trees flaunting it's petals beautifully.
© -Darshana Thapa