

The jury takes their seats upon the wooden podium,
Gavels in the hands of all the judges,
I’m in begging position on the floor of the stadium,
A gowned woman tells me I can suck it.

“You know what you’ve done and it’s a crime to be punished,”
A tear runs down my reddened cheek,
This room is eery and very lightly furnished,
I plead with her, “spare me I’m just weak.”

“You lack discipline and it’s caused you this I’m afraid,”
I feel horrible for the treason I’ve committed,
“You are sentenced to prison for 7 days,”
And rights to eat are no longer permitted.

“A donut, really? 4 slices of pizza? A piece of toast,”
The judge tells me if I keep eating like that I’ll look like her,
“You know it’s illegal to eat your weight in food you hefty boat,”
I don’t know what I’d done it for.

“It won’t happen again!” I promise to her rounded face,
“See to it that you don’t,” she mumbles,
So I am guilty from then to the end of the seven days,
When I am brought back to court the jury grumbles.

“you lied, you know, your promise was in vain,”
“I thought I could do it but I’m just too weak,”
“We hereby sentence you to another 14 days,”
“Yes that seems reasonable to me.”

“if only you’d learn to control your eating habits,”
The judge says in a hastle,
“Eating horses and elephants and baby rabbits,”
It’s a crime guilty of guilt so they all bang down their gavels.

© Waiteing