

You Once Where Mine
We hit it off fast,
Exclusiveness you desire,
You stood firmly still.

We went on a trip,
romantic beach endeavour's.
I wore your jumper.

We had chemistry,
Passionate and meaningful,
seductive and sweet.

You held me so tight.
Lying beneath the bright stars.
I felt so amazing.

You love me so much.
I was infatuated,
it was early days.

I missed my period,
positive pregnancy tests.
Emotional time.

I hurt your feelings,
You lived with you parents still.
You had alot if debts.

I then miscarried,
I was emotionally unavailable,
I pushed you away.

I broke up with you,
I made you feel worthless too,
I care for only myself.

Weeks later I miss you,
I'm very heartbroken too.
You have moved on now.


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