

The Day You Left
The day you left
i lost everything-
Life, Light, Laughter,
The sweet ol' things-
Locked away i was
and I was forgotten-
It only took one
And soon my world brightens,
Actually i Remember it was 3,
who came and visited me,
Gave me hope to remember,
who i use to be
The day you left. ..
you fucking killed me..
10 years its been
and your memory fades
Stepping back into the light
without wearing shades
Reminded upon the good ol days
Except without you..
I hope thats okay..
Yet i can't,
i cant revolve around you anymore,
Im finally letting go
and Yes, this im sure
Im good now.
Im grown up and secure,
I dive in the deep end
and do so much more
The day you left
i lost everything-
Life, Light, Laughter,
The sweet ol' things-