

Into The Abyss
In darkness, I wander alone
A soul lost, without a home
The weight of the world, I bear
A heart heavy, with no one to care

Shadows creep, and whispers say
"You're not enough, fade away"
The light that once shone, now but a gleam
A distant memory, a forgotten dream

Tears fall like rain, a never-ending sea
A reflection of the pain, that's me
I search for solace, a respite from the pain
But like a mirage, it vanishes in vain

In this abyss, I'm lost and blue
A prisoner of thoughts, that torment anew
Longing for peace, a gentle breeze
To soothe the ache, and calm the pleas

But still, the darkness, it lingers near
A constant reminder, of my deepest fear
That I may never, find my way out
And in this sorrow, forever doubt.