

Wonders made by her 🍂🦋✨
A girl with wonders
Living along
All silent
Paying deaf ears
To the taunts
Staying unexpectedly calm
Even in the worse case
Calming herself
Even in the time of heart shattering moments
Staying strong
Even in the most breakable moments
Trying to be herself
Even when she want herself to get ruined and do nothing other then letting everything out...
Caring too much for others
That she lost herself sometimes
Supporting each one
In order to get them happiness
But sometimes the tables are turned as silent she is
She is extremely violent when it comes to a particular wrong thing or something which she dislikes the most..
It is not good to mess with her
As her silence defines everything she held...
An unexpectedly calm,silent girl...
All called her with names
But she never cared
All she do was accept and let it go
All taunted, misunderstood
But she just shrug it off and let it go
Thinking of all
She kept patience
Masked her emotions like no other...
She is no other than a wonder in disguise...
All she could do is smile through the problems and
Take it all
Leaving it to her Lord Almighty
Trying to live every single moment of her life
Though her heart says otherwise..
The more she tries to be happy
She sees pains and sufferings but still she never forget to push it all..
She kept herself away from negativity
Tried to make herself strong
Each day little by little
Though the more she tries she fails miserably
But she never cried on her miseries
The failures doesn't matter her
But the words of her loved one's pierced in her like a knife
Still she walked confidently greeting them with smile..
Doing wonders ...
Indeed she is different from others..
She is herself ✨
She held confidence with each step she took
She does wonders just with her looks
She seems unique and a mystery to solve
but the more you indulge
you will get tangled
She is full of positive thoughts,ethics and moral values
Even after staying under the shed of undeniably stormy space
She enjoyed her self company the most
and the one who tried to ruin her self-esteem
Are better no one to get the answers...
She is indeed a wonderful sight to admire...
The determination of getting something is so
much dedicated on her that
even the stars would fall 🍂
She is Indeed a wonder ✨
She has millions of scars like the moon have
But never feared of standing alone just for herself..
She is Indeed wonder to look at..
Just like the Moon wait for the stars
She waited for her loved ones to come back to her
Even after they gave her so much hurtful words
She prayed for their joy,health and success..
Even after listening so much from them
She never spoke a word to them and silently done what they wanted
Though she is afraid of this whole world
still she tries to be the strongest 🍂
Indeed a wonder ✨

© Shines