

Surfing in a haunted house
So i dont remember much,
but I remember her face.
I remember the waves.
The waves that we surfed together.
The waves of her hair.
The waves of terror to follow shortly after.
Only to disappear but still be there.
Hard to describe like any dream.
Like an imprint of a creeking haunted house.
Ghosts and ghouls.
Spirits and ancenstors.
Mothers and Fathers.
We call ghosts and ghouls.
Off point i’m sure bits and puzzle pieces I am trying to piece together myself.
Not explaining this to anyone. I can’t make sense of it.
but the waves…
Waves of her hair.
Waves of the water we surfed together.
Waves of joy.
Waves of dispair.
I love her. I am happy She came to see me in my dream.
Weird that it wasnt my mother, or daughter. Weird that it wasn’t one of my exs.
It was this girl i seen at the airport years ago.
at least a resemblance of her.
She was nice.
I miss her. We chatted for 5 minutes.
She offered me bus fair and we caught the bus together.
We spoke after the long bus to edmonton from the airport. She was so beautiful.
Never caught her name and if I did I didn’t care to remember because my heart belonged to another.
Still trying to tear my heart from her grasp…

but… the waves…

The waves of her hair.
The waves of the air, the waves of the water we surfed together in my dream even tho she might not of even been there.
I love her. I dont know who you are. I never will.
You are irrelevant entirely but the detail of my dream girl was uncanning to this stranger who showed me kindness once many years ago.

Maybe its the kindness i love… I don’t recognize it often. does it even exist?
Who cares.
I know this dream was a haunted house of despair. Post a beautiful scene of surfing with a beautiful girl on the water waves. with beautiful wavy hair.

Makes sense to probably none
but its not supposed to because its only supposed to make sense to one.