

Gazing at you through the mist, I witness fleeting smiles and too many moments sitting on the ground in pain as you look at the horizon.

Among the twisted branches and shadows I stop myself from whispering to you how certain I was that if I could hold you but a moment you'd understand you were never alone.

Slowing my pace to match yours I quietly brush away the leaves and fallen branches that block your path before you reach them, drifting through the shadows invisibly by your side.

You, are the reason I lived this long.

Thousands of your years, looking at that path before you through hazel,green and brown eyes, you sought meaning.

A man, a woman, a dreamer who made me believe in your perception of a world I hated.

Through so many of your journeys I could not help but admire and adore you.

Maybe the day will come when I can stand before you and say "I've missed you too".

© CM