

Bold strokes of a confident hand,

The painting is a masterpiece,
Executed as planned...

I painted the forest extra greener,

The little figure who smiles is a sinner.

The white shirt which I wore was stained with same colour,

Even I shaded calmness with blur.

I draw few birds who murmur in sweet voices of their,

The painting has thousands of tall trees to lost and wonder.

I wanted to create an enormous ocean,

But settled up as river with an intelligent notion.

Two mysterious things will be so terrifying,

Butterflies are probably from one flower to other flying.

Ohh, flowers were really giant in my possession,

I colored them fade, kept in mind my emotion.

Fishes of river carelessly playing at the edge,

I sketched the trail like a maze.

Masterpiece of mine is something being lack,

I mixed few colour to create a glorious jade black.

I took paint brush and made a small mark,

My hand trembled a bit but I painted it (masterpiece) with all dark.


He made a beautiful painting of forest it was his masterpiece. He made tall trees, birds, fishes, flowers and everything which makes a forest mesmerizing, calm and mysterious.
But his masterpiece had lacking something and it was his emotion, he mixed colours to describe his own emotion and it became glorious jade black he splashed that dark color all over his painting and now it shows his emotion, all dark, black, lonely, unloved and lost.