

Raise your values!
When it comes to you,
You have to take the stand..
No matter what the world says,
You have to hold your own hand!

When it's about you,
RAISE your standards
Choose your company
& Make, ONLY deserving friends..

When it's about you
You have to be your self,
Sympathy never last forever
It's only you, who can help!

Create your rules,
Be kind & always be ready to serve,
Choose your CHARACTER
& Become what you really DESERVE!

High up your values,
kick off the negativities,
Work always hard, not only to earn,
Live, enjoy and everyday you have to LEARN....

Selfish, not always but when really needed,
Never hurt yourself!
Live in practicality
& Always try to accept the reality!

Erase those useless thoughts,
Fill yourself up with POSITIVE vibes,
LIFE is too short to be sad,
Be hopeful, and live every MOMENT!

© ♡amor