

America hero group and border agitator
America hero groups lived in assisted

Should be protected seriously!

America hero groups protected America security

Ever protect all of world peace and freedom

Now they are getting old and weaker in both physical and expressions and thinking

Border crosser mixed with lots marxist and anti_ America freedom agitator

Some of them small people love peace

Some of them are gangster organizer and pawns

Could broken

Law and order

Some of them are America user

Two different groups

If let them living together

Different value of conscious

Different ideologies

Should not to be set together

Definitely conflict of basic exist

Then the weakest group will be in dangerous!!!

One group ( America senior hero ) take care of America security all life

Another __ could be marxist or harmful user

Marxist group always against America freedom

America hero groups are getting old now

They will be easy to be targeted at when gangster organizer exist

Border broken group is young

And amount is getting more and more __ Jambo

Ten years later

Raised into 300,000 per month

Using all kinds of convilence of America

__ including welfare, working opportunity, and permition

It is put America hero groups especially Cascussian christain into potential caeos and dangerous!!!

America hero group win all respect in this globe

Now they aged up

Christian religion or Catherine religion culture aroma living environment deserved to keep

In assisted living facilities

8000 or 20 thousand civilian can have one hero

win glory reputation from all

Their noble moral character stood the test of the state

Ideological realm

Have been proven to be noble excellent than average population

On the other side

Let's think about it

The caregiver and CNA field

Nowadays America

Anybody crossed this nation 's border security system

Can become into a CNA or caregiver

( just need one week or two weeks simple orientation training)

A new caregiver or CNA appeared

This nation doesn't know among of them

Whom is America freedom supporter ;

Whom is Marx theory fans and America user

You don't know their ideology

You don't know if they owned loyalty heart to Jesus Christ

You don't know they are honest or lier

You don't know if they throw shit among heros and Christian

Once they gang up

They throw shit into honest individual back

Make caeos happened

Hide their lier pawns

All of these are possible happening

Or wearing fake appearance but don't love this nation

Two groups of people with different moral bottom line standards are putting together

When America heros and seniors are getting old

They are definitely the weakest group once pawn system surround them

Or invaded into building like kitchen, caregiver, or CNA group

Especially hiring manager system has been attacked by gangster organizer

America senior hero groups maybe puzzled

Their good education and Christain humble let them keep silent

They need to be protected by all of the county patriot!!!

Assisted Living facilities or hospital

Have to consider potential risk existed

Which group could be gang up ? __ stronger group with endless amounts of border ant

Where is the true righous patriotic monitoring mechanism?

America senior hero group won't argue with unfair

This country must consider for them before potential risk happening

Camera system of any city could be weaponized when enough city pawn existed

When city justice power has been twisted or be threatened