

The lost Morning Star
She was born
To the origin of nobles
Hailed Across the land
For their power and their wealth

All called her the
Morning star of the land
For being born in time
Of blood and war
When darkness clouded everyones mind

She was showered with gift
Of gold, silver, bronze
Diamond, sapphire,rubby
Cashmere, slik, linen
Wagon, palanquin, horses

She manners and etiquettes
Par to the queen that hailed the land
Her smile and appreciation to tiny feat
From a noble to peasants
Acknowledges alike
"She is a righteous girl
A humble lady, amiable miss
All in all a perfect lady"

The word perfect was far from the truth
The facade she built-up
From family and friends
From royals to peasants
Still as the might mountain
Protecting the village
From the typhoon
By wearing a smile

Inside her lies the ego
That want to taste the air
Fill her lungs with petrichor
Away from the tight corset
And layer of cloth weighing her down
Run barefoot feeling the earth
Learning to hold a sword
Draw an arrow toward the deer
Drink root beer with local
And tap her foot to
Wild Irish pipe
Fall in love like lovers do
And pave way to rebellion
For people of who think alike
And live life the forbidden way

© RukiaAckerman