

Echoes of Solitude: A Journey through Trust and Self-Discovery
In solitude's embrace I find my peace,
Past encounters taught a lesson, never to cease.
Generosity, my nature, freely shared,
Yet wrong companions left me ensnared.

A cold facade, a burden to wear,
Pretense weighs heavy, hard to bear.
Once extroverted, now introverted I stand,
Seeking solace in the quiet, in my own land.

Yet yearning persists for connections true,
A heart guarded, yet open anew.
Trust eroded, a fragile bridge,
Difficult to confide, on a precarious ridge.

In moments alone, wisdom unfolds,
Caution learned, stories untold.
Not all are friends, a term profound,
Labeling cautiously, on guarded ground.

Though trust may waver, intentions pure,
Good hearts exist, steadfast and sure.
Amidst the solitude, a glimmering light,
Genuine connections, a beacon bright.

© MysticGarvicii