

Good Life☯️
When I am gone, cold to the bones, so would become of such an act to the pieces of my lived life left behind. To many, I will just be another fading memory of a great mind once lived. It would come to life, the ghost of my gone soul, and live amongst the rest of its kind, as the pieces I put my soul into in the life before dim in their luster. But I hope that would not be the case. I want to live forever, even after my turn to face my mortality befalls. Even in my own insignificance, I want to be of service to the living and the non-living elements of this present life while I can, so they would become of value, my contributions to Mother Earth long after my unavoidable fate sets. I am made of the earth and to the same I shall return, but until then, I want to live for its good.

© Ommie