

Justice for Mercy Sake
Justice for Mercy's sake has more to do with what God has been throughout all creation, for everyone, more than anyone's other cause for justice.
But what that spells is that if justice is to right the wrongs of the one that suffered through injustice, then the fact this concept is new unto many of us, is within itself an injustice coming from our part.
But there again, the return unto the one that suffered, must needs be, recieving what they were due, as we all know how much God is due, and so,, we can measure out and see what all the mercy that He applied throughout all ages, is due, is for each of us to love Him and forgive one another.
How much is due might sound a bit high, but really it is not, for He has already supplied us with all we need, so we are so rich in His love for us, that we have riches untold yet, so we are able to pay Him back out of that love by forgiving others.
So, Love others, letting the time that forgiveness steps into the each of our issues is not at the end, but two thousand years ago. Honestly, truth be told, we can repent, but it is God that grants the ability to live in repentance unto salvation.
Mercy is due a justice, too; if Christ died for us to live, should not we want to live for His glory, and forgive?
© Brother Stephen Scottt