

Dark Night Of The Soul
Dark is the night,
Darker the soul,
Fathomless depths,
Stories untold.

Time comes in life,
When more we seek,
Questions arise,
Answers, we must find.

Why are we here,
We start asking ourselves,
Which way must we turn,
To find the real truth.

We feel lost and alone,
Nobody understands or cares,
Though we must carry on,
Strength we must have.

Lots may come our way,
We must find the light,
God is waiting, for our sign,
Love will forever pour.

Rocky path to tread,
Stones piercing our feet,
Thorns pricking our hands,
Dagger through our heart.

We must endure,
Every obstacle, overcome,
The light so bright,
Is one day sure to come.

Patience is a virtue,
We must not quit,
We will end up winners,
Soul's dark night shall end.

© Maja Malhotra