

I HATH N'RE SEEN < my apologies to Shakespeare >
I hath n're seen such glittering stars in the pinholes of the heavens, then when'st I gazed into thine eyes shimmering bright the same .. I hath n're seen such a rainbow brilliant in the prisms of colors, then when'st I gazed through ethereal pillowy cotton white clouds .. I hath n're seen such a candle burn with a ruby colored flame, then when'st I gazed upon thy essence, unmatched an undaunted .. I hath n're seen such a smile from thy gorgeous angelic taking wing, then when'st I gazed an heard the voice of thy love sweetly sing .. I hath n're seen such a rose blossom into a fragrance of full bloom, then when'st I gazed at thy beauty incomparable to any a petal .. I hath n're seen such an ocean that the tide covers of the past, then when'st I gazed upon my footprints washed away so fast .. I hath n're seen such a woman who is the goddess of the olympians, then when'st I gazed eyes that sparkle an shine seemingly hypnotic.

So now, I pray that these words echo throughout the ages in pages, for those to read an know how love has evolved becoming to be setting hearts free, as the centuries an generations that come in life will only show, just how much one hath seen an when'st I gazed at words aglow.
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