

A Fool's Errand?
Sometimes when I'm just thinking,
my brain wanders off,
and I begin to dream and imagine big.

The world's problems, then,
all seem to have solutions,
which might all be possible.

Then I return to a terrible thought,
that humanity is it's own worst enemy,
people are defined through suffering.

Still I know suffering can be good,
when it forces you to see,
things about yourself you usually don't.

The "crucible" experience can bond,
and forever change the way,
people relate to one another.

Teams are forged in battle and crisis,
they emerge stronger and more determined,
when they suffer and succeed together.

So, it gives me hope, that somehow,
in time, with effort and purpose,
I can help build the right team.

Surround myself with the best,
most righteous and talented people,
who might help me change the world.

Change the world,
eliminate poverty,
and make peace.

A fool's errand?
But I simply have to try.

© Keith Tully