

special one
Candle in the dark,
All alone.
I want to be that special one.
for someone so, I won't be all alone
To lost in your arms of sweet embrace.
and, last forever.
I want to find the missing pieces,
that will made me hold.
The voice crying out loud,
In the deep dark dead of night.
"I want to be special to someone."
The night become sleepless,
sleep itself become a torment,
from my own mind,
"I want to be that special one!"
I want to be that special person,
for someone to cherish me.
to keep me close,
in a tight embrace forever.
Sadly I can only be that special someone,
for me.
feeling change every moment.
you can only be your special someone.
people replace their special one very quickly.
I'm the special someone,
for me! only me.
Chris Samsundar

© chris_yash