

FAKE LOVE (parental advisory)
I LOVED you to DEATH girl💀 with ALL of my HEART❣

I HOLD onto them MEMORIES of US in the PARK🥰

When I'd TELL my MUM I was at my NANS🤫 just so I could SEE you after DARK🤐

I THOUGHT we'd be FOREVER🤔 I thought we had a FUTURE😒 now YOU'RE just in the PAST😔

I GUESS you LOOK on back US and all YOU do is FUCKING laugh😅😬

You GOT your MAN and a HOUSE whilst I'm STUCK here on my ARSE🥴

But FUDGE it🖕  I'm gonna do it💪 IMMA be a FUCKING star💫⭐

I'll JUST do it for MYSELF to FORGET who YOU are😉

The PAIN you've FELT😫 doesn't COMPARE to what YOU did to my HEART💔 cause you BROKE it😠 and STAMPED on it right FROM the very START🤬

ALL of my FRIENDS told me to LEAVE👋 I guess I wore my HEART on my SLEEVE😶

They'd be SAYING💬 "leave whilst you can, she'll be the DEATH of YOU D"☠

It ALL went in ONE ear and COME out the OTHER😆 because SHE was like my  BEST FRIEND as well as my LOVER🙄

I was TREATING her like THE only GIRL I'd ever WANT😣 

As if I'd NEVER get ANOTHER🤒

SHE gave ME that FAKE love that I JUST couldn't HANDLE😖😱

She GAVE  light TO my FLAME🔥 then BLEW OUT my CANDLE💨

So I STARTED linking MANDEM👀 I started getting SPANGLED🤪

I'll TELL you the TRUTH💯 it started with the GRADE🍁

I was SMOKING with my MATES👤🚬

Then I TURNED to the BEERS🍺

NO more TEARS😭


I WAS still a TEEN🤺

I SHOULD have BEEN having FUN with my FRIENDS🧐 instead I was DRINKING and SMOKING trying to FORGET the PAST TENSE😰

Anyway, I'M going to LEAVE this NOW🤭 and JUST do ME because REMEMBERING YOU was a THE worst MISTAKE and I'll REMEMBER that B🙄🙄🙄
© Regrets nor mistakes exist in my mind.