

Whispering Nature
In the realm where Natures secrets reside
There exists a symphony of whispers both wide.
The wind murmurs leaves rustling with ease
Natures voice speaks in whispers, carried by the breeze.

A whisper travels amidst towering trees so grand
Sharing tales of forests and mystic seas hand, in hand.
Birds melodious songs create a lullaby so sweet
Their sonnets reach the sky, their harmonies complete.

The babbling brook unravels ancient lore,
Guiding us along rivers whispers implore.
In its current secrets are revealed,
A treasure trove of wisdom for those who are unsealed.

Flowers share their secrets through hues
Their petals like vessels carrying natures news.
They tell tales of love, resilience and grace
An language, in every blooming embrace.

The mountains whispers echo through each pass
Stories of triumphs amassed over time and space en masse.
Their peaks reaching for heavens above
Whispering tales of strength, endurance and love with a sigh.

The oceans whispers surge with each tide
Unveiling depths where wonders abide.The crashing waves carry with them stories of the ebb and flow of life
A melody that only the deep sea can bestow.

Within the whispers of Mother Nature a plea can be heard,
To mimic her harmony to treat others kindly and live in unity.
In these whispers we discover inspiration
To safeguard her beauty, our treasured responsibility.

Let us listen attentively and embrace the cues she provides
For, within Natures whispers resides the ability to fill
Our souls with wisdom, connection and joy—
The murmurs of Nature, our guiding beacon.

© Lemongao. W Greg