

Happy Easter

This is the day Jesus died for our sins.
He was nailed to a criss. barley able to hold up his chin.
Man of his word. He died so we could all win.
He took with him all our wrong doings.
Just as long as we showed that we were truly pursuing
One ness
amongst everyone, nothing less
In order to rise above into Heaven with the best.
He endured wicked pain.
In order for us not to live in vein.
Some might say, well that's insane.
He just wanted to show love and peace but it was hard for some to attain.
4 days later Jesus resurrected in the heavens.
And showed himself next to God and looked upon his brethren.
Looked upon everyone and showed that he is safe in God's hand.
Showed that he died for everyone's sins and explained that this was the plan.
He showed that this isn't the end.
There is a greater view up here, so don't cry or grieve my friends.
Peace and love is the answer and be who you are, not pretend.
Stay true to yourself and be kind.
God helps those who help themselves and those who help others who are in a bind.

© venkatjamespersaud