

Its time to let go
Its finally that time,
The time I always knew will come for me
Where I'll have to see you happy with someone else
And having to see your fingers slip away from mine
It's already covered in blood and tears
Because we tried so hard to defy our date and keep our flame alive

It might have taken you away from me
Giving your heart to another
But it can't force me to take back mine from you
And everything I have remaining of you
The house we built together still stands
The words, anger, fear and love on the painting still shows
And I'll stare at it all day
Regardless of if I'll catch a cold or if my eyes and bones get old from looking at it

Its this or I either make your new man go missing
Cause I can't bare to watch you be with him and see you smiling
So am better of reminiscing,
About everything we were able to do together and those we couldn't
And the movie we promised each other we were going to see
I'll watch it imagining that you are beside me

Sun Moon Star right
That's what you and your friends called one another
I know you the star that's why I tried to get closer to the stars each night
But when I finally got to meet my star her light no longer burned for me anymore
It was that time I knew I had to let go I had finally lost her
But there's one thing I won't let go
And that's the light burning inside me for you

And I'll keep it burning forever.