

Lost My Way
I should be a better person
And practice what I preach
I should be a better lesson
Maybe then I'll get to teach
Life still hasn't past me by
So it's within my reach
Addiction is my obstacle
No picknick at the beach
I'm out here on the front lines
The enemy can breach
In my head it's time to wage a war
But I search for inner peace
I'm stranded on a stormy sea
The holes are in my boat
My life preserver doesn't fit
I'm struggling to float
I'm sitting in my angry chair
The walls close in on me
And sometimes I think I see the light
But these chains won't set me free
I've seen some things I can't erase
The pain won't leave me be
The words take form from deep inside
My dead friends write with me
I'm learning how to feel now
Some days it doesn't work
I'm trying to forgive myself
But man I'm such a jerk
I'm on my knees and praying hard
And asking how, and why
How I would freaking overdose
And why I didn't die
Or how my wings are broken man
And why can I not fly
Or how I watched the life just leave your eyes
And why I couldn't say goodbye
Why am I still stuck in Hell
And how the tears are in my eyes
So I pray for God to light the way
I want to see the view
I pray to see his will for me
Please show me what to do
I pray to shut the voices off
So I can sleep at night
As long as I can move and breathe
I won't give up this fight
I also pray
Please help me lord
Help me do it right
© 2023 Stephen George