

The Captured Queen 👸

In twilight's hush, where shadows play
A queen was taken, far away
From throne and crown, from power and might
She fell into darkness, endless night

Her heart, once fierce, now beats with fear
Her spirit, once free, now held dear
By chains of steel, by walls of stone
She's trapped, alone, and far from home

Her thoughts, a jumble of pain and rage
Her soul, a flame, that flickers and engages
With memories of freedom, of life and light
Now lost, as she faces endless night

But still she holds, on to hope's thin thread
And weaves a tapestry, of courage in her head
For she is queen, and will not bend
Though captured, she'll rise again, and transcend.

In secret chambers, deep beneath
The castle's keep, where few dare breathe
She paces, trapped, with steps that stray
Through labyrinths of thought, night and day

Her mind, a maze, of sorrow and pain
Where memories of joy, are but a distant refrain
Yet still she holds, on to love's pure light
A beacon in darkness, guiding her through the night

Her heart, a flame, that flickers still
With hope and courage, she conquers her will
To rise above, to shatter her chains
And reclaim her throne, where she once reigns

But for now, she waits, and plans, and dreams
Of freedom's call, and victory's themes
And though she's captured, her spirit remains
Unbroken, untamed, like a wild, fierce flame

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