

The Grasp of Inadequacy
“Failure weighs on the heart, squandered opportunities suffocate potential”

The slow but sure wears
The deep and anguishing tears,
The feeling of worthlessness,
The grasp of inadequacy.

The deconstruction of the fabric of his person,
Doubt becomes the thread that binds,
Unraveling the seams of self-worth,
In the quiet corners of his mind.

Each fleeting thought, a shadowy veil,
Casting echoes of what you might have been,
The man in a mirror, the reflection so pale,
A stranger’s face where your own once grinned.
We break and shatter,
Tear and rip,
No choice but to go down with our sinking ship,

No second chances,
No redemption from it,
The weight of what you could not achieve
Pressing, polluting the air we breath,
An ache that pulsates in the complexities of the weave,

Dreams lost to the chasm of regret.
A haunting, crippling grasp, inadequacy always has the final laugh.

Yet missing the past,
The desires of fulfillment Wayne
There is no way to explain
Further into the depths of pain,
The hope for release, soothing the fear.

The slow but sure wears progress,
To break free from inadequacy’s bind.
Not now,
Not then,
Perhaps moment in time.

The mind is fragile but strong,
Confusing right and wrong,
There is a hope for a future, but for how long.
The dreams live on,
Failures weigh down the heart
but the grasp of inadequacy has ripped it apart.

© Soundz