

buried drugs
A silver mirror kept in my room,
showcasing everything in an impartial way,
It lits everything with it's silver gloom,
when it gets hit by the golden sun ray.

From a distance,
the incessant chant of monsoon from south west,
sounds like an old witch practising her craft,
Oh, is it because am a teenager who wants a teen age?

OK, I got a chance to choose a life
But pressure got me ,I am sure
My teachers talk of drugs,its harmful
But my friends say it helps to hit hard on life
So from my assessment, life has to be a deal.

I got a deal with the real deal to seal the deal
Drugs have to deal with my deal to be better,
For in life,late night insomnia has to differ
For in class,I have to differ to get a future
So in life, I deal with patients and their drugs.

© Elapoet