

my imaginary josh
I always enjoyed dancing in the rain,
splashing ,holding and kicking the coldrops
on my already wet face was my favorite game.
But today,it was different.

He stood before me,playing with his overgrown hair.
At first , my eyes turned away from his own gaze,
thoughts ,warnings and threats all crossed my mind at that moment.

I had sworn to never love again
I had sworn to never commit again
I had sworn to never look in any man's eyes and have those silly butterflies.
But today, I had betrayed and broken that very promise I made .

He was different, rather he seemed different.
Josh stayed with me in the rain that day,
I saw him smile and laugh as well,
He too enjoyed the rain as much as I did.
"Carol, aren't you scared? scared of getting your heart broken again?"He asked calmly
But how could million smithereens be broken?
Weren't those supposed to be picked and fixed?
Maybe he wasn't as different as I thought him to be.

When I turned to look into his big blue eyes
one more time,he was long gone.
I called out his name till nightfall.
He must have ran away
It was getting darker and I was shivering.
That was the last day I ever saw josh.

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