

Phillipine Eagle
There is a critically endangered noble of a creature calling the Philippines home.
The great Philippine Eagle.
Formerly known as the monkey eating eagle.
With 400 left in the wild dude to poching.
A disgusting fact is that these eagles are killed for no more than a few feathers and bush meat.
A handsome, stoic raptor.
A crested crown used for expression and aerodynamicism.
It's faded, golden brown feathers pock it's majestic frame, with its up to seven foot wing span and meter tall height, piercing white iris, it calls the tall trees of the jungle its domain.
It's only predator, the human, which shoots it with rifles and pellets, often just shooting it, unable to find the corpse.
This apex beauty is slowly recooparating from near extinction due to conservation efforts but it remains an uphill battle.
My heart bleeds for you, oh handsome.
It's tough, but you'll survive the night.
© Sebastian Grey