

I hope The One Knows
A silver mirror kept in my room,
showcasing everything in an impartial way,
It lits everything with it's silver gloom,
when it gets hit by the golden sunray,
It was just yesterday when I was standing here,
Look at myself in the mirror,
Looking at my beauty,
Thoughts being astray,
Will I be here tomorrow or Somewhere far away,
Nothing lasts for long,
Nor money,nor the lovely,
But the things that are left behind are deeds,
Kindness that you have sowed in form of seeds,
wishes of those people you have helped in need,
Oh my lost soul, Do you even bleed...
Though in verge of dying why you care for another,
but you smiled and joined in stories of other.....

~~~~~this poem is dedicated to a great deiety who left this world recently i hope the one knows..........

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