

The Old Love
Back in the days he was young,kind,
handsome,a masterpiece of perfection,
Babysitting a toddler,tenderly he touched
her cheeks in admiration,
Little did he know this toddler will grow, gracefully and beautifully she will glow,
Ooh man! He no longer sees a crawler,
After ages all he can gaze is one prettier,
Her smile exposes her milky gapy teeth,
radiating his face with warmth,
At the age of forty,He got glimpse of
her beauty,
But she was just ten years tinny but jolly,
He now knows he is growing Old,
He has to turn dust to gold to get her hold,
Ooh,poor aging man! he knows money's
no bait for a girl like her with no desire,
And he will grow weak by his empire,
All odds,He must now confess,pour out his heart,
and so down to earth he confessed,
she said "but am twenty and you fifty",
Based his claims "love has no barrier",
"so heavenlier yet deadlier" he thought,
tho her answer was crystal clear,
that she will have a young man as a dear,
The crancky old man now fifty five,
takes his time to watch from far his twenty five young love,teary & sad,
Ooh,poor aged man! He is sick and sixty,
He now wishes a final talk and boxty,
she sits by his deathbed and keenly
looked At his weary face & grayish head,
Holding her hand he said,
"My love,For thirty summers I was like drunkard man drowned by his blind emotions,
painful yet joyous,weight I lost in tons,
Nightless sleeps and shiftless sadness,
But mornings brightened my soul for I
know I will watch your smile from far,
Am old and weary by physical but soft,tender and spongy at cardiac organ,
Thirty winters I sheltered under ur loves warmth,But its pain hurt worse than the freezing cold,
I left nothing as your love is my greatest treasure,
my love for you gave me the greatest pleasure yet expectation killed me over,
Today I succumb knowing I loved you to the fullest,
If I had sixty lives I would do it again,
I love You dearest at heart and soul"

like a setting sun he beautifully closed his eyes,tears rolling down his cheeks,
The last smile gave his face a final glow like Sirius A,the brightest star on the sky,
Now Very sad,she recalled his words
"love has no barrier or age"
At least one day she too will die,
but will be luckier than the old man was,
at least she will die knowing she was loved immensely and unconditionally,
Like a withered flower he laid soulless,
Old but a lover,bald but a true love,

© -Daud A.M ✍