

Battle Wounds
The wind blew a chill across his face.
His mind was not his own.
Alone he stands in time and space
His fear cannot be shown
He stands tall before his fate
The savage battle drawing near
For reinforcements are too late
He can taste blood in the air
His brave men are depleted
Empty stomachs and dreams of home
If they win their still defeated
Nobodys coming….. left alone
This leader is a soldier at heart
This mission is suicide
They all knew when they had depart
A lot of soldiers mothers will cry
Captain Rolands was a man of peace
Brought here for his final fight
You see the good captain is an angel
he is here to take them to the light
before they cross the great divide
he must give them the strength within
bolster one more fire inside
they must BELIEVE before they begin…….

Act 2

His destiny sun is rising
Sweat building upon his brow
He sends men to wake the boys
Not one wearing a frown
These boys have turned to men
Each one has immeasurable loss
They are in honor of their end
Come too far must pay the cost
His heroes stand up to his command
Raise their fist high in the sky
Our angel begins to cry
One tear falls down his face
In his men such beaming pride
He can feel their spirit embrace
From deep deep down inside
With courage they face the guns
Bullets tearing into meat
Gone these mothers sons
Captain Rolands faces defeat
“forward men!! one more hill !!
Let our deaths ring eternally
Please don’t fear being killed
For we will be winged in eternity!!”

Act 3

Each man died as they screamed
All thinking of their mother
Then a light as bright as a dream
They all arose with their brothers
Before them a leader of man
A man of flesh, he was no more
It was more then they could comprehend
Wings spread they would soar
These boys were human one day
Till an angel of mercy arrived
Amongst the people they will stay
Helping others to survive
For eternity these boys will fly
To be heroes for the others
No mission will be denied
For these are the angels Brothers

© StephenPuls1970