

"Harmony of Sacrifice"
In shadows cast by noble hearts,
Sacrifice blooms, a timeless art.
Whispers woven in selfless grace,
A symphony of love, a sacred trace.

Silent steps on paths unseen,
For others' dreams, their own redeem.
In sacrifice, a lantern's glow,
Illuminating the path we sow.

Tears that fall like morning dew,
Sacrifice paints the sky anew.
A canvas woven with threads so fine,
A testament to a love divine.

Through sacrifice, the phoenix rises,
From ashes, hope's sun comprises.
A dance with destiny, profound,
In sacrifice, our virtues crowned.

So let the anthem of selflessness sing,
In sacrifice, the soul takes wing.
For in the giving, we find our gain,
A melody of love, an eternal refrain.
© SevenDreamInANight