

null heart
30days writing challenge.
Title: Null heart.
Prompt: Null(prompt given by Shimmer) #30dayswritingchallenge #day 3 #poetry #storywriting
Day: 3

I'm empty, with no one to occupy the vacuum you left!
You left me, now I'm stranded,
Now it's me battling with my feelings,
That's right, the same feelings I had for you.
Now it's me striving to mend my heart,
Yeah, the same heart no one else won but you.
You were special to me.
You served me the pleasure no one ever did.
You loved me than I love myself, that was all pretence.
I never knew you would break my heart like no one ever did.
You were my most cherished person.
And now you're my most disturbing insecurity,
My most scariest nightmare,
My most painful heartache.
All you can do now is plead for my heart.
Sorry, my heart is now null.
© -Heppie Leo