

Challenge Awaits......
There is always a rift between me and my challenges....
And they are beating me everytime I face,
I always attempt to uproot them from beneath...
But they settle well and laugh with teeth..
I tend to give them a shot with the bow
But they walk with me like my own shadow...
I kept on fight from past eleven years for that top spot....
But they took me on the second one with the tag of "Loser" to knot....
I tried and try even now to take mere steps on ladder....
But they hiss me from that very step where I gather...
Now I am the frequent customer of my challenges.....
Because I will keep on riding on my honest journey till the last second and to send them once out of the fence.....

#taking the challenges....
#how far u will make me down...That's the end....
#Fight with your weakness.... Strengthen your strengths.....

© Ishh...