

If life separates us once, my love,
Fear not, for our souls shall remain entwined,
Bound by the memories we hold dear,
And the love that forever shall define.

Though distance may stretch our bodies apart,
Our hearts shall forever beat as one,
For love knows no boundaries, no limits,
It transcends the barriers that life has spun.

If life separates us once, my dear,
Know that I shall forever hold you close,
In the chambers of my heart, you reside,
A love that only time can expose.

Through the trials and tribulations we face,
Our love shall withstand the test of time,
For the bond we share is unbreakable,
A love that is pure, sublime.

If life separates us once, my love,
I shall wait for you, no matter how long,
For destiny has brought us together,
And fate shall guide us back where we belong.

So fear not, my love, if life pulls us apart,
For our love shall conquer all, I believe,
And when we reunite, our souls shall dance,
In a love that is destined to never leave.
#life #destiny #eternallove #memories