

I'll forget
I can't decide if I'm wether in
Love or not.
I know I shouldn't be,
But I'm not mad at you.
Trust me if I say.

I know I said things that probably
Hurt you,but I didn't mean to.
I am sorry I was just
Really fustrated,
And thirsty for revenge.

You might ask.
Maybe you think it's
Cause is you,
But no it's my sick mind.

Yeah my mind might be sick.
Very likely it is.
What else do you call if
You want revenge.
Revenge on your best friend.

Pinterest makes me feel
Fucking lonely.
I wached like hundred cute bl
Couple videos.
I know I shouldn't.

But I just want someone
To make me feel good.
And I mean safe,loved and like
Someone actually cares
About me.

I don't really feel this right now.
I want to sleep in her arms.
I want to fantasize about her.
Just like before.
Before things happened.You know.

But I can't we're always
Gonna be friends.
And I'm sorry I say this but,
You're the cause.
I could love you forever.

It's really your fault.
And because of these lines here,
I won't send this.
I don't want to hurt you.
Neither hear your sorry.

You're sorry for everything.
Atleast you say.
And the thing is.
You don't need to be.
Not at all.

You gave me the happiest
weeks of my life.
But now,
They rest in peace.
Forever and ever.

Well you also gave me two
saddest days of my life.
We say we're gonna be friends.
And I'm okay with that.
You know how hard it is?

You probably don't.
But sure I'll do anything for you.
I don't want to hurt you.
I forget everything.
Everything I've ever known.

Let's forget about the I love you's.
I'll forget about the revenge,
I'll forget about my fantasies,
I'll forget my love poems,
I'll forget my feelings.

I'll forget the desire to feel your lips on mine,
I'll forget all my wishes to hug and kiss you,
I'll forget my happy thoughts about you.

I'll forget the things we said,
I'll forget how romantic
you could be,
I'll forget the flirty side of you,
And how lucky it'll be who you'll keep forever.

Sure it won't take me anything.
It's easy to forget everything.
You just press delete.
Don't you?
Oh,wait I remember,no it
Isn't this easy.

I don't know what will you forget,
Or if you even forget anything,
But I hope it's not gonna be me.
Even if it is,what can I do?

© Tortise