

Our Lasting Frame
On this green, black, brown, blue earth, is all I see before me.

It radiates in kaleidoscopic force and gives my lifesource the energy.

I see trees and dirt and the moon and the sun, and I'm reminded with this view,

that in all they try and take you down they will never see the end of you.

Their bombs they praise and gush and proclaim, is the greatest atomic that we will ever see.

And they threaten and roll and strut themselves and tell all of who they be,

gods and rulers and great beyond, is still nothing without you.

For the atom that you toil and built is the only one that's true.

And in due time, the rope they grasp as anchor that YOU give,

will be the same one that's around their necks when the final note is shive.

Try and try, but destroy themself is what will be their due.

Because before the world allows you to destroy her,

I can assure you that a new birth will be brought anew.

And a wiping of the slate we be, will see its truth proclaim.

And only as a memory will be our lasting frame.