


In the hush of twilight's solemn hue,
A story of love begins anew,
Upon a cross, the Savior bled,
With thorns upon His sacred head.

Behold the scene of agony,
Where grace and mercy set us free,
His arms outstretched, His heart laid bare,
A burden heavy, a cross to bear.

With every nail, a soul redeemed,
In every tear, a hope esteemed,
For in His suffering, we find our light,
A light guiding through the night.

The crimson flow, a river wide,
Washes clean the sinner's pride,
Forgiveness falls like gentle rain,
A promise murmured, not in vain.

Through darkest hour, a promise kept,
In death's embrace, the world adept,
Yet from the tomb, a victor rose,
Defeating darkness, conquering foes.

So let us gather, hearts ablaze,
In awe and wonder, hands upraised,
For on this day, the world did see,
The depth of love, the mystery.

Good Friday's shadow, ever cast,
A bridge between the first and last,
An ode to sacrifice,
A journey to eternal life.

So let us walk this sacred path,
With steadfast faith, devoid of wrath,
For in His death, we find our worth,
A gift of love, the greatest birth.
© Saheba Parveen Parkash