

In the forge of life, as iron meets the flame,
Strength emerges, honed by trials that came.
Resilience born, endurance lasting longer,
Tempered and tested, it grows ever stronger.

Like the mighty oak, anchored deep in the ground,
Roots anchored firmly, its purpose it will pursue.
Adversity's winds only make it more profound,
Through challenges faced, it stands tall and true.

In the depths of darkness, where shadows reside,
The sun's golden rays, a triumph over night.
A spark of light can illuminate far and wide,
Dispelling the darkness, bringing hope's respite.

A river's journey reveals its gentle might,
Overcoming obstacles,
it flows day by day.
Carving through mountains,
embracing the light,
With patience and persistence,
it carves its own way.

In the face of storms, let courage be your guide,
Embrace the challenge,
with a resolute stand.
For within the tempest, strength will surely abide,
The fiercest battles often lead to victories grand.

The seed that's buried deep in the earth's embrace,
From darkness to beauty, it emerges with zeal.
A testament to life's eternal appeal,
Blossoms and blooms, revealing nature's grace.

So let us remember, as we tread life's path,
Each hurdle and setback, a chance to surpass.
To grow and evolve, with unwavering unity,
For within every trial, lies an opportunity.

The more we endure, like iron in the fire,
Embrace the light, let darkness be overcome.
The stronger we become, our spirits aspire,
For within our souls, a radiant victory is won.© Abhijit: A hardworking writer